If I was a professional anything other than whatever my job is now (listen, it's hard to define my job when I'm a paralegal, secretary, head of our internal IT department of one, Ms. Fix-It, the list goes on), I'd be a professional procrastinator (or sleeper). It's officially a problem. I just looked and saw a blog post I was going to finish "a little later" and it was dated May 31st. But that's not what prompted this post. No, it was the fact that for almost a week now I've been putting off taking my quiz for my online legal research class for absolutely, positively, no good reason. Last night I got sucked into my DVR, which was almost full after three weeks of me not watching anything, and decided the quiz might take too long so I should just to it later. Before that, I was tired, busy, going to work on wedding stuff (wink, wink - I'll be doing the stuff I was supposed to do later), and going to clean the apartment. Yeah, right, clean the apartment. That's a good one. I've been using that one for months but only twice since I've lived here have you been able to see all the countertops and tabletops - the day I moved in with all the furniture and game night, which was not a good day to look in my closet. But again, I digress.
After sitting on my couch for almost two hours trying to psych myself up to take the stupid quiz and finding little projects I could do, I finally sat down and took the stupid thing only to find out it took me a whopping 30, maybe 45 minutes. All that procrastination for nothing. This cannot be healthy. I will use just about any excuse to get out of doing something I'm supposed to do. The thing I'm supposed to do may not even be something really horrible, I just don't feel like doing it right at that exact moment so I find something else to do. Something else used to include cleaning but it's gotten so bad I've found ways to put off activities I normally do while procrastinating. And so, with that, I'm off to clean, instead of doing the wedding stuff I swore I was going to do tonight.
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