Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today I was informed my one of my co-workers that she never received an invitation to the wedding. WHAT!?!?!?!

Postal service, this is why you're going out of business.  She is the second person to tell me an invitation has not yet arrived.  I also just got an invitation sent back to me as undeliverable.  I Googled the address and it exists.  It's an apartment building.  I type in the address to the USPS website without an apartment number and it gives me the zip code I have on the invitation.  I add an apartment number, and suddenly, the address ceases to exist.  The address came from the woman's ex-husband and they're not on bad terms.  FedEx recognizes the address.  Why can't the postal service?

I thought maybe it was just me.  Maybe while I was stuffing envelopes and taking Percocet, I checked some off as being finished and in the stack when they weren't.  I already know I forgot to give someone a response card.  Whoops.  But two envelopes?  On two different days?  When I have very distinct memories of both envelopes, including a debate about whether the calligraphy on one of them was good enough?  That's not likely.  And I'm not taking any pain pills now and the address on the envelope mentioned above is right. 

Plus, one of my dad's friends said he thought he sent his response card back almost as soon as he received his invitation but it hasn't arrived at our house yet.  That has absolutely nothing to do with me and whether I've taken a pain pill or two.

I am not a happy camper.  How many other invitations are lost in the mail?  How many response cards won't be returned?  Why is the postal service trying to ruin my life????

Okay, that might have been a bit dramatic.  But I'm still not happy.  Guess it's a good thing I bought extra invitations.

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