Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm Thinking About Asking You to Marry Me But

"I'm thinking about asking you to marry me but..." these are words that were actually used to start a conversation.  One of my professor's told us that her ex-boyfriend called her one time, and after he started with that, the conversation ended with two words she said she would not repeat in class.  My answer involved four words, "thanks but no thanks."

Acceptable ways to finish that sentence include:
1.  I really don't know what type of ring you want.
2.  (I'm still trying to come up with another appropriate ending but I'm sure there are a few out there)

There are more unacceptable ways to finish that sentence than I want to begin to get into.  Can you imagine someone calling you up and daring to utter those words?  I can't. 

What about you, what's the most shocking thing anyone has ever said to you? 

I was about to get up on my soap box and go on about Kim Kardashian's 72-day marriage, pre-nup, and the whopping year she knew her husband before filing for divorce, and similar "what's wrong with society today" stories , but I refrained.  You're welcome.

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