This morning, I typed my notes for class for as long as I could with my brace on. Then, my computer decided it didn't wan to recognize that it was plugged in and died. Out came the handy-dandy notebook, and off went the evil, awful, horrible brace. As I was writing my notes, pain was radiating down my arm. Granted, my wrist has been hurting more than usual for the past few days, but I took Advil this morning and it should not be hurting. Then I looked down and noticed the vein that runs from the side of your thumb, over the side of your wrist, and down your arm was bulging and was bright blue. It was not kind of blue. It was freakishly blue and more intense than the color of your veins on your arm where your elbow bends. Oh, and in case you wonder what I mean by "bulging," think about guys who spend a lot of time at the gym and have huge veins all over their arms - that's what it looked like, but bright blue.
Fanfreakingtastic. Stupid cyst is even more painful than when it first appeared, I need to type and write for work and school, and now my whole arm is all kinds of freakish. Surely, this is not normal, and I need to go back to the stupid doctor so he can tell me to continue to wait it out and eventually it will get better.
But I'm not complaining. My computer decided to start charging again so at least there's that. Here's to focusing on the positive instead of making myself crazy and miserable with less than a month to go before I'm finished with my exams.
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