Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hey, I've Been There

Tuesday we received a call from an attorney our firm has worked with in the past.  We served as local counsel for his firm and apparently the same parties that were involved in the last lawsuit are gearing back up for another fight over a completely diferent issue than last time.  He wanted to know if maybe we would be interested in helping them out again.

Wednesday the litigation partners (a/k/a my bosses) had a conference call with the attorney and there was discussion of filing a complaint, at least one motion, and serving a set of discovery on Thursday.  Please keep in mind this all really started to gain steam after 4 pm, I had to leave at a reasonable hour to make it to Mass (Catholic + Ash Wednesday = me skipping class to go to Mass because I couldn't get away from the office to go during the day), and I don't usually get into the office until 1 on Thursday.  Please also keep in mind that, in addition to being the formatting department, I'm also in the proof-reading department, the copying department, and the "hey can you get everything we need to file a complaint together" department.  In other words, it was going to be a busy afternoon.

And then I found out two of the parties might be Chinese.  And not Chinese as in of Chinese descent, but actually in China. 

Curses.  This is going to be insanely time consuming.

Thursday afternoon I got in a little earier than usual (thank you, magic traffic fairies), ready for the flurry of activity.  Luckily, everyone decided to wait until Friday to file everything.  I finished what I had been working on the night before, completed a couple of new projects, and got to work on researching service on foreign defendants.  Before I knew it, I was reading one of the Hague Conventions.  If that doesn't sound like a fun way to spend your afternoon, I don't know what does. 

Wait, maybe there is one thing - the Chinese don't accept this particular treaty as it was written so there were special rules involved.  Oh, yeah, and only one of the guys was in China, the other foreign defendant is in another country and that country has a separate set of rules too.  Hold on, the Chinese defendant is going to be in a European country soon so maybe we could get service there.

I found myself thinking about my summer and how much fun I had at The Hague...and wishing I was there instead of reading one of the Conventions at my desk. 

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