Monday, February 6, 2012

Things You Don't Say To A Type-A, Nervous Bride

There's a certain type of bride that likes to have a little control over things.  Not just things pertaining to a wedding, but life in general.  She needs to know when meetings are scheduled, what the plan is for the weekend (okay, really, she needs to know the plan for everything), and when things don't go according to plan, it may throw her off a bit.  These people are the type that hate surprises.  This need for some sort of control may be magnified during the wedding planning process.  Also magnified during the wedding planning process is her anxiety.  You know what I'm talking about - that voice inside someone's head that's a little concerned something might not happen the way someone thinks it will and all hell will break loose.  If you know one of those brides, I would suggest avoiding saying the following things to her:

We don't have the proof for the rehearsal dinner invitations yet (47 days before the wedding).

Oh, yeah, the [wedding] dress is definitely too tight.  Honey, don't step down, I don't want you to rip it (49 days before the wedding, at the second fitting for said wedding dress, when the bride had previously insisted too much was being taken in, it needed to be made looser, and the bride has actually lost five pounds since the first fitting, thankyouverymuch).

I told a few extra people it was okay if they came/brought someone (55 days before the wedding).

There are a few fun projects I've been thinking we can do (again, 50 days before the wedding).

I really don't like the flowers you picked out for the reception.

I'm sure we can get that done the week before the wedding.

For your sanity and hers, avoid the above phrases at all costs.  She cannot be held responsible for her reactions to the above remarks.  You cannot blame her if she doesn't speak to you for a month but instead gives you nothing but death-stares whenever she sees you if you make one of the above comments.  Not that I speak from experience or anything.

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