Ryan's favorite thing in the world is when I get all kinds of obsessive about things. One day, I'm happily going about my business, the next I'm overtaken by the urge to, let's say, hypothetically speaking, get a puppy. Now. Get a puppy right NOW.
Of course, in this hypothetical, Ryan would have mentioned the three tan beagle/hound puppies that are at the Lakeland shelter where he got our precious darling Isabella. It's possible I then kept looking at the puppies and pictures of beagles, even after he told me his family's vet recommended we not get one because they might be inclined to howl. I may have even sent him a few emails and/or text messages he immediately get me a puppy because I was already picking out her harness and bows for her hair.
Today, it might have reached a new level of insanity when I saw the cutest pictures of those two little beagle puppies. Yes, now we're down to two puppies because obviously someone saw the other one and took her because she was the cutest thing ever. Naturally, I emailed Ryan a picture then sent him a text message telling him the check his email. Now, of course, Tiffany is gone. The calmer dog is gone. We're down to one beagle puppy here, folks. So I texted Ryan again and told him to get Maxine. The text messages might have included things like "I know you're golfing with your friends" and "turn your car around, drive to Lakeland and get me that puppy." I may have even threatened to quit my job so I could go get the dog. It's possible I told him that he "can't ignore crazy because it just gets crazier." Again, hypothetically speaking, of course.
Clearly my most endearing quality is the obsessiveness and he must love the text messages about the fact I will not be ignored, no matter how hard he tries. I mean, what guy wouldn't want 10 text messages and 3 emails from his significant other, demanding he get her a puppy, while he's trying to golf with the guys? I'm only asking because my friend wants to know. It's not like I'd ever do anything like that. But, if I was asking for me, it would be his fault anyway because he's the one who told me about the puppies to begin with. Right? Right.
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