Friday, November 25, 2011


Yesterday was a great day and we had lots to be thankful for.  Of course, Ryan and I are thankful for our families that will soon be uniting.  In fact, exactly four months from today, we will be celebrating our first full day as husband and wife. 

It was fitting that Thanksgiving was the first time Ryan and I saw his cousin JD.  JD was in a horrible accident a couple of months ago.  A car turned into an intersection and JD, who had the right-of-way, ran smack into the car.  There was nothing he could have done and it was in no way his fault, but his motorcycle wound up totaling the car.  Can you imagine?  He and his motorcycle totaled a car.  I'll spare you most of the details, but one leg was broken, the other dislocated, he had to have some reconstructive work done on his face, and he had several surgeries to repair the damage to his jaw, legs, wrist, and broken back.  That JD survived is a miracle.  The fact he was up, walking, and has suffered no brain damage (other than some memory loss from the accident and the few days following), is unbelievable.  JD's favorite part was that even though he can't open his mouth all the way, it's no longer wired completely shut.  Perfect timing so he could enjoy the Thanksgiving feast and start working on regaining the 50 pounds he has lost. 

I may not be thankful that I'll be spending the rest of the weekend studying, but I'm thankful I have the opportunity to further my education, and seeing what JD survived certainly puts it all in perspective.

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