I was so excited the stupid thing was coming out of my arm and I would have Thanksgiving break to give my wrist a bit of a wrist. Then I got a call from the doctor's office about the cost of the surgery center. I have a $4,000 out-of-network deductible. That means I pay 100% of all kinds of things until I hit my deductible, which is also my out-of-network out-of-pocket max. Once I hit that number, insurance takes over and I don't have to pay a dime.
Thanks to what shall now be known as The Bizarre Medical Events of 2011, I hit my in-network out-of-pocket max months ago. I was so excited. Giddy with glee, I made doctor appointments left and right. Okay, not really, but that's only because once you've been examined every which way, there really aren't more appointments you can make. I am, however, hoping I don't have to pay my co-pays for my medicine, in which case, I will be filling 3-months worth of my $60+/month prescriptions right around December 31st. Muah ah ah ah ah ah. Take that, evil insurance company.
Imagine my surprise when the doctor's office informed me the surgery center is out-of-network so I can't go there. Oh, really? The surgery center wn't accept cash money? Interesting. I eventually got to the root of the issue after talking to three different people. I thought I understood it all, but when I tried to explain it, I got confused again. Long story short, I'm not going to the surgery center, but hospital is in-network, so I was going to go there on Dec. 5th until I got another call from the doctor's office rescheduling the surgery for Dec. 1st at a different, in-network surgery center.
Is your head spinning? It should be.
Then I had to deal with the school. I'm supposed to have an exam on Dec. 2nd. Yeah, that's going to need to be moved. Oh, and I'm going to need some extra time on my exams too. Something tells me I won't be able to type quite as fast as normal since my right hand is going to be in a cast/splint.
All this because of some stupid bump in my wrist.
Good news: I'm almost completely out of having to pack my own apartment and help with moving. Almost too convenient, isn't it? It's quite an elaborate scheme just to get out of the responsibilities of moving. I'm sure no one suspects a thing.