Friday, August 5, 2011


Today, and every other day, I am grateful.  I am grateful for more things than I can begin to tell you.

I am grateful...
for Ryan, the love of my life who loves me unconditionally and patiently (well, mostly) waits for the crazy to pass.
for my parents, who taught me almost everything I know.
for my brothers and sisters, who are always there for me, no matter how crazy we may make each other.
for my friends, whose laughter and support gets me through on a regular basis.
for my job, which allows me to pay my bills, and so many people these days are without.
for the fact I work in a small office, which is more like a home (thankfully, since I often spend more time in the office than my actual home).
for my co-workers, who are more like an extended family.
that I have two loving parents, who are just as committed to each other as they are to each of their children, setting a wonderful example for how to make a marriage work.
for my sweet little puppy Isabella, whose sole mission in life seems to be to make sure I don't oversleep.  Ever.

There are so many things I have to be grateful for but it's all too easy to sometimes forget about the good things in life and focus on the negative.  Today is not one of those days for me.  Today, I am just grateful.

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