Monday, August 22, 2011

Stupid Blogger App

The advent of the smartphone and its ever increasing popularity, especially those types with apps galore to choose from, has made my life both infinitely more simple and way more aggravating.  While I'm at dinner with my parents and in-laws I can look up the names of former FSU quarterbacks/geniuses who were injured while playing with chemicals in their apartment.  Need to add something to my grocery list?  No problem, I can scan something before I throw the package away or just type it in and my handy Out of Milk app adds it to my list.  Dieting?  Try My Fitness Pal to track your exercise and food intake.  One of my favorite finds was the Blogger app.  I could sit in a doctor's waiting room, at an airport, or just about anywhere else and use my down time to blog.  Fabulous, right?  Wrong!  The other day I spent all this time writing the most fabulous blog post.  No, really, it must have been the best blog post ever in the history of blog posts.  I am convinced it was so fabulous not because I wrote it but because well, it's gone.  The post was almost complete when I had to put the phone down.  "No problem,"  I thought to myself, "I'll just finish it later and then I'll even have time to proof it."  Later I went back to my phone ready to finish my masterpiece but it wasn't there.  Apparently, I have no mobile posts.  Again, I did not think it would be a problem as the post probably went to cyberspace and would be waiting for me when I got to a computer.  Wrong again.  The post is gone.  Nowhere to be found.  It vanished into thin air (or cyber-air).  Naturally, I have now built the post up in my head as the best post ever because I can't recreate it. 

Stupid Blogger app, we'll see if I ever use you again.  So there!

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