Monday, January 16, 2012

Love Me Some Monday

The reading I did for school yesterday (or at least tried to do) put me in a less than positive mood, so I thought a dose of "love me some" might put me in a better mood.

Love me some wedding prep nearing completion.  By wedding prep, I mean the Catholic-specific kind.  Next Saturday, Ryan and I get to spend all day at Pre-Cana, a prep class for engaged couples.  Once we finish, we're eligible for the discounted rate for our marriage license, meaning we can go get our marriage license!  Side note - it also means we don't have to wait three days from the time we apply for our license until we can actually get married.  In other words, we could totally elope.  Not that I've considered that...

Love me some family time.  Since moving home at the end of December, I've had lots of quality time with my parents, baby brother (who is allegedly 18 as of Jan 12th, but still my teeny, tiny 6'1"+ baby brother), and younger sister.  My sister is about to move to Richmond, we think, well probably, almost definitely, for what might be the best job ever imaginable for her, but it's been nice having her around.

Love me some of my friends.  Seriously, they're amazing.  We had the best time at one of said friend's houses on Saturday with several other friends (like Casey and Laura Jo), and I've decided we really need to do it again.  Soon.

Love me some wedding presents.  Not the present part (but who doesn't like opening a present) so much as the fact that Thursday we received our first official wedding present.  Ryan's parents bought our dishes and were incredibly generous in paying for our honeyoon, my parents gave us our flatware for Christmas, and we did get presents at our engagement party, but this was our first official wedding present not from an immediate family member.  And, it was all of our crystal wine glasses, which makes me feel incredibly adult.  AND, the thank you note is already in the mail.  Insert me patting myself on the back here.

Love me some Florida in the winter.  It's been cold lately, but I think the cold front has officially finished moving through.  It's 47 at 6:15 and the high is in the 70s most of the week.  Remember how a few months ago I needed a reminder about how I would be happy I live in Florida when winter hit?  I'll be flagging this to read in July.  Cold is a relative term.  I know, people in other parts of the country are literally freezing, but I'm a native Floridian.  60 is pretty chilly and 50 or lower is almost a reason not to leave the house.

Love me some Ryan.  This, of course, goes without saying considering we'll be getting married in less than 70 days, but he's been particularly supportive and wonderful lately.  This is the last time I'll put him in a Love Me Some Monday post unless he's done something so amazing he deserves some sort of medal or something.  I swear.  Okay, maybe not, but I'll try.

What are you loving some of this delightful Monday morning?  See, it worked, I'm in a great mood already!

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